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Postby sinewiz on Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:53 am

Catherine, there’s only one thing I can add dear lady. Where oh where were you a few weeks ago when your knowledge and eloquence could have been like a beacon of light in a black hole.
I for one am eternally thankful for you showing up. Please make it more often.
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Postby Rehit on Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:55 am

we would only put you to work if you wanted to do so Catherine.
we can always use a few more open minds to bounce possible theorys off of.
experience is a great tool, and we would be delighted if you could share some of yours when your time permits.
you are also welcome to join us in a friendly game of Links.
we are never serious, and play games for what they were intended for...
Last edited by Rehit on Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Crissy on Fri Dec 22, 2006 7:56 am

I was gabbing with rehit ( One of the creators of the well you know the mod ) over at the lions den. lol And suggested that maybe a forum called Mod Related Topics Only could be created here.

I thought this would be good because in this forum you would most likely only get mod supporters viewing and posting in it. ( I don't think it would be over run with people though. lol Just Kidding ) And people like me and others would really have no reason to go in there as we are not mod players and all. ( Not that we couldn’t if we wanted to )

Also people seeking help and support when playing the mod, would better find it in there then having things all over the forum. Anyway just a thought, as it would take about two minute to set this forum up.

See just because I don’t like or play the thing does not mean I begrudge others to play or enjoy it them selfs. Also when people are pushing the thing all the time they could do it there and those of us that don’t play it would not have to see it.

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Postby sinewiz on Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:11 am

I completly agree with Crissy on this one. From a mod perspective, we would have an area where it could be discussed without constantly being told that the sky is falling. Capital idea!!
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Postby KCJammer on Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:28 am

But if you compartmentalize the mod into its own little area, where it's visited upon mostly by mod proponents, don't you lose out on some of the opportunity to promote it?
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Postby sinewiz on Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:36 am

After thinking this through a little further and looking at the list of topics it got me to thinking. I'm not sure this would work because just what exactly would be discussed in a mod specific area. The discussion topics are for the most part all generic. If you’re talking about something that is mod specific I would think the discussion would come to a screeching halt after you got done talking about green speeds and the extra distance you’re getting with your driver.

As long as this isn't an area where supporters of mod play aren't being corralled so as to not allow their discussion in generic forums I think it could be a good idea.

For what it's worth, what might one discuss in the mod section?
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Postby Rehit on Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:39 am

i see absolutely no need to promote anythng.
we have never attempted to promote the Mod and are not going to start now.
it is quite well known the Mod exisits and is available.
the choice of what version and conditions played will always be up to the players.
if and when the 1.05 and 1.06 versions are compiled into one application, the original choices of conditions will still exist.
you will still be able to play with mollasses slow greens and fairways if you so desire.
you will also be able to turn up the dificulty, in stages, as you see fit.
i have never understood why people would complain about having additional options available...
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Postby Crissy on Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:48 am

Rehit wrote:you will still be able to play with mollasses slow greens and fairways if you so desire.

Be good rehit this is how things start. lol You insult my game then I am forced to insult yours. ( And I am very good at it the same as you. lol ) So if your respectful of my mode of play I will do my very best to be respectful of yours.

I am trying you know.

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Postby sinewiz on Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:51 am

KCJammer wrote:But if you compartmentalize the mod into its own little area, where it's visited upon mostly by mod proponents, don't you lose out on some of the opportunity to promote it?

Good point! The answer to that might be to simply have an area where we could list the advantages of, or promotion of the mod. And then, those that have no interest in it could simply not enter that area and those that do, would be free to do so. Freedom of choice! What a concept!
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Postby KCJammer on Fri Dec 22, 2006 8:56 am

Rehit wrote:i see absolutely no need to promote anythng.

Maybe "promote" was too strong a word.

I don't mean "promotion" in a negative sense.

But I do feel there is a need to make players aware of the latest developments in Links.
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Postby Rehit on Fri Dec 22, 2006 9:45 am

i am not insultiung your game Crissy...
i am insulting Microsofts substandard attempt at a golf simulation.
i was on the beta team from 1997-2003.
i do not seem to recall you being there, so i do not understand why you think this is "your" game.
MS hardly ever listened to any of the testers, and were more concerned with meeting release dates, than releasing a true simulation of golf.
i have been involved in the developement of the Mod sinsce we decided to try and fix some of the unsimulation type aspects of the game.
you my dear are insulting "our" game, that we actually created ourselves.
now who is being rude...
we have never attempted to force the Mod on anyone.
we even created it as a stand alone version for those who did not wish to play it.
i have never seen so many people who cannot understand this fact.
please do not use it.
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Postby gibby on Fri Dec 22, 2006 10:19 am

I think some of us hit the panic button on this, All some of us heard was we where changing to mod and that was it, no choice.
But as more info keeps coming out the picture keeps becoming more clear.
The biggest issue(just me) was it took a little too long to get somewhat of a straight answer.
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Postby Crissy on Fri Dec 22, 2006 10:20 am

Rehit wrote:i am not insultiung your game Crissy...
i am insulting Microsofts substandard attempt at a golf simulation.
i was on the beta team from 1997-2003.
i do not seem to recall you being there, so i do not understand why you think this is "your" game.
MS hardly ever listened to any of the testers, and were more concerned with meeting release dates, than releasing a true simulation of golf.
i have been involved in the developement of the Mod sinsce we decided to try and fix some of the unsimulation type aspects of the game.
you my dear are insulting "our" game, that we actually created ourselves.
now who is being rude...
we have never attempted to force the Mod on anyone.
we even created it as a stand alone version for those who did not wish to play it.
i have never seen so many people who cannot understand this fact.
please do not use it.

Well were you or I were or are at any given point of time means not a hill of beans does it ? I purchased Links 2003 from Microsoft as thats the version we are discussing. The game was then purchased by Take Two, now thats my game. When Take Two took the game over, Mark created the 1.5 patch when working for them and here we sit the way they intended the game to be.

Now you want to change it by adding your mod to the game I purchased on a permanent basis. So as far as I am concerned I have every right to know just what you are doing and if it is legal to do so. I am sure an official document of some nature will be produced, so many of us can be rest assured we are not adding illegal software to our PCs. You may have one now and I am sure there are many people just sitting on the edges of there seats waiting to see it, I know I would. Maybe you could post it here so we can all have a look see, that would be lovely thank you.

I would think it may be a good idea also for us people here at this site to maybe appoint one person to contact the owners of the game, just to confirm they indeed do have knowledge of what it taking place. Not that we don’t beleave you, but it would maybe be in our best interest, you know. I am sure you can understand be it you have hunted down so may people, trying to distribute pirated software yourself. And it sure would put many peoples here minds at ease. ( I may just do it myself anyway as I can most times can find out anything, I am nosey by nature. lol

What do think about that rehit ?

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Postby FDS_Catherine on Fri Dec 22, 2006 10:49 am

To be honest Crissy, not only are you making youself look very silly, but as far as I can see you are not adding any constructive comments. To me it looks as if your sole reason for being in this thread is to inflame the situation.

I think if I were you, ( and thankfully I am not ) I would quit while I was ahead. Instead of making yourself look even more sillier, than you already have done.

Postby Crissy on Fri Dec 22, 2006 11:00 am

FDS_Catherine wrote:To be honest Crissy, not only are you making youself look very silly, but as far as I can see you are not adding any constructive comments.

I think if I were you, ( and thankfully I am not ) I would quit while I was ahead. Instead of making yourself look even more sillier, than you already have done.

I have run into people like you a hundred times. This is a public forum and I have a right to post anything I like. Your not god are you ? and if I act silly or like a child thats my prerogative. Trying to intimidate me into posting just what you think I should, makes you look well you already know. lol

Who are you anyway I have never heard of you. You don't impress or intimidate me one little tiny bit. I have played links along time your a walk in the park. I was not even talking to you why are you waisting my time. lol

Last edited by Crissy on Fri Dec 22, 2006 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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