Swing Speed Problems

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Re: Swing Speed Problems

Postby Maximus on Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:36 am

terrell wrote:
Maximus wrote:I bought a new computer (AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4400+ 2.3 GHz with 2 Gig Ram) to replace one I used for over 6 years (1.6 GHz Pentium 4 with 512 Ram). If there's any advantage at all, I feel it's with my new machine because the swing meter seems to run a little smoother but the speed at which it moves is no different than it was on the old one.

i have a theory on that, max. i believe new machines should perform better in links because they've had less time to get filled up with adware/malware/and other asundery programs that steal clock time from the cpu. i believe there's no difference between a p3 850 w/ 256mb (my first pc) and a 2.3ghz 64-bit athlon because system clock speed isn't what determines the speed of the swing meter. andrew jones could probably address this more accurately, but i would hazard the guess that there's an internal links routine that specifies the speed of the swing meter, any cpu you have is merely executing that routine. no faster, no slower.

that's my story, and i'm sticking to it. until andrew specifies otherwise. (8

edit #1: oh yeah, meant to add, i have no doubt there are probably programs/dll's/services that interfere with links' ability to execute its routines. i believe they can reside on a legacy, duct taped together, kludge like mine, or a shiny, brand spankin' new machine.

edit #2: i sure would like to have a shiny, brand spankin' new machine someday, just to test my hypothesis.


I agree. I've never had Links run so smooth before and I'm sure you're right in that I haven't picked up any stuff yet which would slow it down. I try to take great care in what web pages I go to but unfortunately my wife will be using it and she's goes to some of the weirdest sites (she even picked up a virus on my old one a couple years ago) so I'm sure it won't be long until my new one starts to pick up stuff from here and there. :wink:


PS One thing I did do was go to a couple of Vista forums and learn how to shut down a lot of stuff. Man, you should see all the crap Vista runs in the background. I was able to turn off more than 15 applications that Vista was running at startup and it's obvious they weren't important programs because it's working fine without them. I also shut off all the "Aero" windows fluff, Sidebar, etc........ and Vista is working and running much faster for me now.
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Re: Swing Speed Problems

Postby terrell on Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:26 pm

Maximus wrote:I try to take great care in what web pages I go to but unfortunately my wife will be using it and she's goes to some of the weirdest sites (she even picked up a virus on my old one a couple years ago) so I'm sure it won't be long until my new one starts to pick up stuff from here and there.

sounds like a good situation for a software firewall. i know, there are tons of pundits that claim if you're behind a router, you don't need a firewall. i disagree. i have a couple of nieces and a nephew that surf behind a router (and don't keep up with the free comodo updates i put on their pc(s)), and they are constantly getting hosed by malware. i clean their pc's, and they're good to go until the next time.

i'm in the process of testing a trial version of agnitum's outpost security suite. i barely know it's there under normal conditions, but it automatically goes into game mode when i load links, and it has no effect on links whatsoever. in 27 days, i'm dusting off the paypal card.

Maximus wrote:One thing I did do was go to a couple of Vista forums and learn how to shut down a lot of stuff. Man, you should see all the crap Vista runs in the background. I was able to turn off more than 15 applications that Vista was running at startup and it's obvious they weren't important programs because it's working fine without them. I also shut off all the "Aero" windows fluff, Sidebar, etc........ and Vista is working and running much faster for me now.

aaaccckkk! the aero glass feature is the only thing vista has going for it. i went to blackviper's site and learned howto adjust all the user control stuff, so it wouldn't constantly be popping up, but still provide some user level security. turned off some other things, but stopped short of disabling aero glass. vista was running pretty well until i dumped it and loaded xp back (bill is going to hafta pry xp from my cold, dead fingers).
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Re: Swing Speed Problems

Postby grim_x on Tue Jul 15, 2008 2:15 pm

Yah, I bought another xp in June, should last me till windows 7 comes out. Though am tempted to buy another before the stocks run out and there's no more. Who knows, whatever they end up calling 7 could [censored] when it's finally released. From the little I've seen so far they may have learned a lesson from vista, but wouldn't count on it.
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Re: Swing Speed Problems

Postby GoBucks on Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:15 pm

I've seen alot of people here (and elsewhere) bad-mouth Vista, and I don't get it. I've been running Vista Home Premium on a Dell (another bad thing, from what I gather) since February of this year without a problem. I'm not defending it by any means, but it seems to me to be better, although different, than XP. Just my experience. take it for what it's worth.
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Re: Swing Speed Problems

Postby terrell on Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:29 pm

you're right, dave, i've probably formed a bad opinion of vista unfairly. actually, i think all those user control popups bring you closer to your operating system. kinduva family type thing, getting to know one another. and microsoft reneging on a new and improved file system leaves us with the old familiar fat32/ntfs. it would have confused us to have to learn a faster, more reliable file system. and if microsoft had improved the windows firewall, a lot of third party firewall/security suite vendors would have had to lay off employees, some of them linksters. plus, if everyone would lay out $200us for the vista ultimate upgrade (personal experience here), george might not have had to mail out those economic stimulus checks.

i take back everything bad i've said about vista. it's a wonderful operating system. (8

GoBucks wrote:I've seen alot of people here (and elsewhere) bad-mouth Vista, and I don't get it. I've been running Vista Home Premium on a Dell (another bad thing, from what I gather) since February of this year without a problem. I'm not defending it by any means, but it seems to me to be better, although different, than XP. Just my experience. take it for what it's worth.
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Re: Swing Speed Problems

Postby GoBucks on Tue Jul 15, 2008 4:45 pm

terrell wrote:you're right, dave, i've probably formed a bad opinion of vista unfairly. actually, i think all those user control popups bring you closer to your operating system. kinduva family type thing, getting to know one another. and microsoft reneging on a new and improved file system leaves us with the old familiar fat32/ntfs. it would have confused us to have to learn a faster, more reliable file system. and if microsoft had improved the windows firewall, a lot of third party firewall/security suite vendors would have had to lay off employees, some of them linksters. plus, if everyone would lay out $200us for the vista ultimate upgrade (personal experience here), george might not have had to mail out those economic stimulus checks.

i take back everything bad i've said about vista. it's a wonderful operating system. (8

GoBucks wrote:I've seen alot of people here (and elsewhere) bad-mouth Vista, and I don't get it. I've been running Vista Home Premium on a Dell (another bad thing, from what I gather) since February of this year without a problem. I'm not defending it by any means, but it seems to me to be better, although different, than XP. Just my experience. take it for what it's worth.

T, I'm not saying that SOME people don't have valid complaints. And I can't and won't argue with anything you have to say about it. I know that there are valid reasons why the company that I work for won't support it, and won't allow a vista machine on our network. But I also know that there are people who blame it for stuff just because it's new. Like I said, I'm stating what I think about it, nothing more nothing less.
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Re: Swing Speed Problems

Postby terrell on Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:13 pm

GoBucks wrote:But I also know that there are people who blame it for stuff just because it's new. Like I said, I'm stating what I think about it, nothing more nothing less.

you are correct, dave (really, this time). there are folks that would blame vista for their problems, and they got no clue. they just heard someone else ranting about it (maybe me, though i can't imagine any of you guys, because you know how i like to exaggerate to emphasize points). i understood what you were saying, but chose to try to be funny.

disclaimer: for everyone thinking about purchasing vista, if you're buying a new machine, get it with vista on it. if you have an existing machine (or semi understand what you're doing), hang with what you got...as long as it's xp. (8

note #1: simply an outstanding site:

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Re: Swing Speed Problems

Postby Maximus on Tue Jul 15, 2008 5:42 pm


I've only used Vista for a month now and while I don't like it compared to XP, I am starting to get used to it the same as I did with XP when I upgraded from Windows 98. Still though, Vista does have a lot of stuff that the average computer user like me won't ever use and I had to spend 2-3 hours getting rid of some of it. The changes I made have speeded it up for what I want in a computer and I'm happy so far with the options I turned off including the Aero glass window garbage. Aero glass was real pretty visually but on my machine it seemed to hog a lot of resources so it was one of the first things I dumped.

One thing that really bugged me was when I went to play a CD. Vista tried telling me I needed to download a program to listen to it. Are you kidding me? I don't need an operating system telling me I need some program that's affiliated with Microsoft just so I can listen to music so that soured me right at the beginning. I didn't download it and it took me a minute or so to figure it out but I was able to listen to my music without the download. It's stuff like that which makes Vista a pain at times

If I was more computer savvy, I would try to go back to XP but Links is working just fine and that's the most important thing since it's really the only computer game I play so I figured what the hell. I'll learn to like more as I use it. :)


PS.... terrell, thanks for that black viper site. It looks to have a lot of info I may need.
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Re: Swing Speed Problems

Postby Armand on Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:31 pm

I'm running Vista as well and have had only one problem - the computer seems to crash sometime between putting it to sleep (by closing the lid) and opening it back up. Otherwise, no issues. I'm not saying Vista is better or worse than XP, and yes, there are many processes that don't *need* to be running in Vista that do run by default. The same can also be said of XP (although I don't think as many). It's all in the name of security..

The complaints about Vista are not too dissimilar from those about 1.06/1.07 in my view ...

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Re: Swing Speed Problems

Postby BruceWallace on Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:10 pm

My wife's laptop came with Vista. It has the most unfriendly user interface that I have seen, since I had to use the Edlin command in DOS 3 or 4.

Vista flat out s-u-c-k-s! XP still rules. :wink:
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Re: Swing Speed Problems

Postby GoBucks on Wed Jul 16, 2008 5:32 am

Boy, I managed to steer this thread totally away from what it started out as. :)

All I have left to say is if you get a machine with Vista, make sure it is at least Vista Home Premium and has at least 2 gig of memory.

I'm done.
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Re: Swing Speed Problems

Postby Slattery2 on Mon Feb 01, 2021 9:28 pm

I just played my first round in a few months and the 2 click swing meter was only going at 79% speed. Links was sending me messages in the chat box telling me so. It was painful trying to swing consistently.

I've never had that issue EVER in all the years I've played. I sat there scratching my head for a couple of hours and then I remembered that I had been trying to squeeze the most out of my 5 year old GTX9800 video card to play the latest games and I had fiddled around with overclocking and G sync.

It turns out all I did was uncheck the G SYNC ON in windows and full screen mode box and left the G SYNC ON in full screen mode only box checked and the swing meter went back to normal

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Re: Swing Speed Problems

Postby whisky on Mon Mar 01, 2021 12:15 am

MGiuseffi wrote:My computer that I used for years was not very powerful and I think it slowed down the swing because of limited system resources. I "was" a -13 or better per round player for years in Professional tourneys and sometimes even managed to compete with the "Big Boys". I doubt I will ever be able to get back to that level with the swing meter moving at what seems to me to be "light speed". Makes me wonder if some other low scorers have "old" computers as well giving them this advantage. Mike

I have had exactly the same prob. Nowhere NEAR what I was since porting to win 10 on a fast PC! Part prob may be size of swing meter, for indicator to get from a to b, but that should be compensated by larger or smaller meter anyway.

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