
This forum is talk to about problems you may have with Links 2001. Please post in the Links Sports.NET forums if you have problems with the tour.

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Postby GoesForIt on Thu Feb 02, 2023 10:01 am

I had to reinstall Links I used Links2K3_Down.exe (304.57 MB) from Links Country Club.

1) For some reason I cannot putt from off the green
2) Even though I have post shot auto continue enabled, I still get a "rendering" message"

I'm given the putter if I'm on the green but sometimes I like to putt from the short fringe. I've always been able to in the past?

anyone know what's up with this?
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Joined: Sat Oct 21, 2006 6:51 pm

Re: HELP!!!!!!

Postby GoBucks on Thu Feb 02, 2023 10:46 am

GoesForIt wrote:I had to reinstall Links I used Links2K3_Down.exe (304.57 MB) from Links Country Club.

1) For some reason I cannot putt from off the green

Can you select the putter in the same place that you select the other clubs or shot types?
GoesForIt wrote:2) Even though I have post shot auto continue enabled, I still get a "rendering" message"

I'm given the putter if I'm on the green but sometimes I like to putt from the short fringe. I've always been able to in the past?

anyone know what's up with this?

Game Settings, lower right right box. Rendering options.
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