Seeking Tim Hagen, Philip Steyn, Lindsay Addie, Pat Auge

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Seeking Tim Hagen, Philip Steyn, Lindsay Addie, Pat Auge

Postby Adelade on Sat Dec 19, 2020 3:27 am

(I already posted this on Links Corner, nothing new here for those who already saw that. Figured I might as well try here too before I give up.)

I've been trying to find some way to contact these Linksters without success, and was wondering if anyone might know something that would be of help to me. I've exhausted what I can think of myself to try find them except to ask around for help in public - so here we are. I would only like to get a chance to send them a message.

I've looked around the ReadMe's and course notes from their courses, checked members lists of Links related sites still in operation, even Google searched their names a little, and tried to look around a slight bit in the forums for other golf games than Links. I dont use Social Medias like Facebook and so forth, so thats something I potentially might have missed.

Tim Hagen - gator helped me find an old email address in the alpha releases of one of his courses, but there was no reply, Im guessing that old email address is no longer in use.

Philip Steyn - I know they posted on LC forums in early 2019, but the forums were remade since that and he doesnt seem to have made an account on the new forums unless by another alias, I dont remember what account name he used on the old forums.

Lindsay Addie - I found an email address from the blogspot site crzbuilders that they used to run, but no reply, again Im guessing its an abandoned email. Im getting the impression that Lindsay Addie did design work on several courses but I cant find any course with his name attached to it as a designer, does anyone perhaps know if he went by a different name when releasing courses?

Pat Auge - Found an email address in one of their courses from 2001, but no reply, another abandoned old email it seems. He did Riviera together with Chuck Clark, Im thinking of trying to email the latter to ask if they perhaps might be able to help me but I havent done so yet.

I can be reached at or by private message on these forums.
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