windows 10 dropouts

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windows 10 dropouts

Postby WackerWoods on Thu Sep 24, 2020 4:56 am

From WackerWoods

Windows 10 is the biggest heap of rubbish, because evrytime I try to play a round, the system drops out and I get disqualified with 2 shot penalty then 6 shots penalty and forever out
Please can anybody help
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Joined: Sat Oct 14, 2006 5:32 am

Re: windows 10 dropouts

Postby BagginsB on Thu Sep 24, 2020 11:49 am

Hi WackerWoods,

I use Win 10 and I've found that Links runs stable and steady. Just keep it updated and make sure your video card drivers are up to date also. To be honest, I've returned to the game after 10 years because I assumed that Links wouldn't run so I went on to many other things. After coming back to Links Corner, I read that it should run fine so I immediately loaded it up and sure enough. Everyone's configuration and settings are different but, generally speaking, it runs well. Frustrating, I know.

I hope that helps.

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Re: windows 10 dropouts

Postby Mississippi on Thu Sep 24, 2020 9:05 pm

Godwin Penrhyn-Lowe,

We have been dancing around your computer issues since February of 2018. We started with a HP 17 inch notebook which you seemed to get semi working after tinkering with your graphics but were told by multiple community members that links would play much better if you had a video card installed, then it seems sometime in the next couple of years you switched to a Hp 21 inch all in one, another computer without a video card. :roll: We asked for info on the all in one several months ago to see if your processor and its onboard graphics even has enough oomph to begin to power links and never heard anything from you until you posted

"Windows 10 is the biggest heap of rubbish, because evrytime I try to play a round, the system drops out and I get disqualified with 2 shot penalty then 6 shots penalty and forever out" :?:

Do you really think those 35 words gives us the information we would need to even begin to address your problem? What system drops out? Sounds like a internet service provider or firewall/router port problem more than a operating system issue depending on if you play online or offline. Only other thought would be system failure from heat since its a computer more suited for spread sheets than gaming. But we don't see exactly how your game terminates so we don't know.

Sir, i understand you are getting up in age and just want to be able to fire up Links and play without issue. Blaming a operating system for hardware or graphic or isp issues gets you no closer to your goal.
I suggest you
1) buy a computer or laptop with a dedicated video card with sufficient RAM and a large hard drive
2) go to best buy and pay the 200 dollars for their Geek Squad to come out and optimize your computer so that links plays without crashing and up to your system specs abilities whatever they may be.
3) Give the community the information on your computer and how you connect it needs to address the issues you want addressed.
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