Nvidia GeForce video card issues

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Nvidia GeForce video card issues

Postby bigdog55 on Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:01 am

Fellow linksters,

I have a relatively well beeaaten issue that is so old that the paths I attempt seem closed simply due to age of the problem. I have the dreaded Nvidia GeForce 4000 video card and have attempted to install different (and in some cases ancient) drivers for this board in order to Links 2003 C.E. to recognize the card. Is there some magic wand that I must wave to have Links 2003 recognize it or has it been decided that it is a lost cause?

Thanks in advance


Postby terrell on Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:20 am

au contrare, big dog, but i have an mx4000 pci, and it's a terrific card for playing links. i have no idea what world of warcraft might look like. but my mx4000 on a p4 1.8 w/ 1280 mb ram, is smooth as glass for links.

currently (as i change graphics drivers every coupla days), i'm using tweaksrus' xtreme-g 93.71s:


modded driver. i like the modded because i prefer image quality to performance, and most modders have a knack for accomplishing both. you can probably attain the same results yourself by using rivatuner, but i quit using rivatuner awhile ago simply because it was another program i had to keep up with.

the single most important trick to achieving success with any driver is to uninstall/install properly. guru3d.com has a great thread on howto install graphics drivers properly:


anything else you need to know about the mx4000, let me know. i've done everything to it but desolder and reassemble mine.
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Nvidia stuff

Postby bigdog55 on Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:18 am

Thanks, I have it funtional, but I have no Idea what I did to acheive it. I see what you mean about the install/uninstall process. All uninstall seems to do for me is hide a bunch of stuff. That should show my technical expertise, (virtually nill) but even a blind pig finds a truffle once in a while.

Thanks again,


Postby duffer123 on Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:22 am

I have the Nvidia also and it works real good.I had the same problem getting it to work till I found out you have to go to videocard.txt file.Find nvidia device listing then go to last entry and type in device ID.I found this at MS Links help Known vidio issues in Link 2003
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Postby bigdog55 on Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:29 am

Thanks, Duffer
Apparently I stumbled across something that I am not aware of, but it seems to be funtional now. I am currently fighting through the crap at fileplanet to get a few goodies downloaded.

Thanks for your help,


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