disappearing feet!

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disappearing feet!

Postby Colin Jones 2021 on Tue Jan 26, 2021 6:57 am

Something I noticed happening a few months ago. Playing in career mode and choosing to play with a computer golfer, occasionally the partner would have a short putt but his feet would disappear under the green. He would hit the putt but the game would then go into repeat mode. Ctrl/alt/delete would be the only escape. A resumption of career mode only returned me to the same scenario. So I stopped having a playing partner in career mode.
Well, playing the LSPN (Dullatur Antonine) today the same just happened, except to ME! On the first hole. Legs from the calf down were underground, the putt went in but I returned to the same scenario. Deliberately missing the putt (using a wedge) I was able to continue the game but got a repeat performance when holing out. Hence I had to withdraw from the current event.
Anyone else had this problem? Have tried to add an image using Imgur but I'm not sure if it has worked.

Colin Jones 2021
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Re: disappearing feet!

Postby Adelade on Tue Jan 26, 2021 10:05 am

Hmm I play Career mode, occasionally with computer golfer and I've never encountered that. One thing that comes to mind is that there is a Career Mode fix update to the game, I have no idea exactly what it fixes and chances might be very slim that it fixes this partiular issue but if you havent got it already, its worth a try: https://www.linkscountryclub.com/links-2003-v107

P.S. Are you the Colin Jones that shared trees on Links Corner a while back? If so there is something I'd like to ask you, would you mind emailing me at ade89lade@hotmail.com or send me a private message with your email? (I would send a private message but they're easy to miss and I dont think everyone notices/reads them.)
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Re: disappearing feet!

Postby rwoodworkr on Tue Jan 26, 2021 11:05 am

Have you tried reinstalling Links? Might not be a bad idea. Also, maybe an update or even possibly a rollback to your graphics card driver.
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Re: disappearing feet!

Postby Colin Jones 2021 on Tue Jan 26, 2021 1:48 pm

There is a Colin Jones who has posted a couple of courses on Links Corner, including a superb recreation of Banff Springs. Much though I'd like to take the credit, it's not me.
Colin Jones 2021
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Re: disappearing feet!

Postby Colin Jones 2021 on Tue Jan 26, 2021 2:30 pm

rwoodworkr wrote:Have you tried reinstalling Links? Might not be a bad idea. Also, maybe an update or even possibly a rollback to your graphics card driver.

I paused my career mode for a few weeks in the summer and resumed on 1st September. The problem I refer to began then. Firstly playing with a computer player I didn't get to play! Although 2 players were listed, with me as "next up" I got ignored and had to abandon that event.
Microsoft force fed us all with a major update late in August - just wondering if that was the cause. My graphics card driver was actually updated today although I have yet to restart the PC. I am pretty sure I have Links version 1.07 running - unless Microsoft have sabotaged that as well, of course. Decided last week to disable automatic MS updates anyway.
Colin Jones 2021
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Re: disappearing feet!

Postby Colin Jones 2021 on Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:45 pm

Have tried the Career Mode Update for v1.07 (virttour.dll) which has made no difference. Started career mode with another golfer and I was again excluded from the play. I was still showing as "next up" with 471 yards to go when my computer partner was putting.
I then restored the "saved game" I had saved earlier, restarted the game and went into career mode. The boxes "play alone" and "play with another golfer" were missing. Think this may be normal once you've started an event - you are committed to playing with someone else for all 4 rounds. However, this time it was my playing partner who got excluded. I reached the 1st green, holed out and the endless loop I described earlier came round again. Restarting the game just put me back in the same situation, so I had to withdraw from the event and start the next one. Alone! If this keeps happening I will most likely end up reinstalling LS2003, just thought I'd post this in case it is a known problem that others have already encountered and resolved.
Colin Jones 2021
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Re: disappearing feet!

Postby Colin Jones 2021 on Wed Jan 27, 2021 7:12 am

One further problem that may or may not be related to my previous. Twice playing on the LSPN this past week I have played the first hole, then found I have a double playing with me! Same player name but I'm there twice in the player list. Each time I have withdrawn from the event, restarted and checked I'm the only player showing then have been able to complete the round (solo!). Hence my 2 disqualifications playing handicap week 3 at Dullatur Antonine plus one at PGA West last week.
Colin Jones 2021
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Re: disappearing feet!

Postby Adelade on Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:13 am

Colin Jones 2021 wrote:One further problem that may or may not be related to my previous. Twice playing on the LSPN this past week I have played the first hole, then found I have a double playing with me! Same player name but I'm there twice in the player list.

I experience this exact same problem about once every 20 or so rounds, when it happens outside of online play I can simply exit links and load last game so no big deal, but when it happens while playing on LSPN it is very annoying. I asked around a bit (post can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=12454&start=0&st=0&sk=t&sd=a) but no one seemed familiar with the issue and the only advise I got was to reinstall, which I didnt want to do at the time for other reasons, so instead I just abandon tournaments when it happens, or in cases where I really want to complete the tournament just bitterly accept any penalty for requalifying.
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Re: disappearing feet!

Postby Colin Jones 2021 on Wed Jan 27, 2021 2:46 pm

Thanks Adelade for your reply, at least the second problem (duplicate player in LSPN events) isn't uniquely mine. Will and up reinstalling Links eventually, still have the original LS2003 disks somewhere (I hope!), otherwise the download version at 7 USD will hardly break the bank.
Colin Jones 2021
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Re: disappearing feet!

Postby gibby on Sat Jan 30, 2021 1:22 pm

Your having no feet would be graphics issue
Play around with resolution, full screen or windowed, 32 or 64 bit.
2 player problem could be from having multiplayer option on
Haven’t played in awhile but I think it’s under game or player options during the opening screen
Good luck
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Re: disappearing feet!

Postby Colin Jones 2021 on Sun Jan 31, 2021 8:58 am

Thanks gibby. I deleted my entire Links 2003 folder 2 days ago, after first backing up my stats, all the add-on courses and rosters (have different rosters for the US PGA Tour and the European Tour). I reinstalled the game from my original discs and restored all the data I had backed up. Ran the 1.07 upgrade and the career mode fix. Had to play around with settings to get the game to work after it started with a flashing black screen (WIN 8 compatibility mod, run as administrator), also had to experiment with the graphics settings. Had some strange effects with some of the higher resolutions, but 800x600 32 bit worked (my Nvidia GTX970 doesn't offer me 64 bit), everything now looks and behaves as it did. Managed to play 4 rounds in career mode and 3 rounds on the LSPN without any of my previous problems, although so far I have avoided the "play with another golfer" option. Then I started the final round at El Diablo today and there were two of me playing again, although there was nothing I had changed to have caused this. I completed the round with both incarnations, ensuring my doppelganger didn't score better than the real me. I just find it strange that, having played several hundred rounds on my current PC (bought May 2016) with no issues, things started going wrong after a large WIN10 update last August.
Colin Jones 2021
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Re: disappearing feet!

Postby gibby on Sun Jan 31, 2021 9:21 am

At least you have nvidia card and not Intel. My experience with intel with w10 almost had me throwing puter out 2nd floor window. Added nvidia card and reverted back to w7 made my day (years ago)
I know Dave (gobucks) has had great success but others have to do a lot of tweaking with w10
At least your headed in right direction
The 2 players in game stumps me
Wondering if Mark accidentally changed something while updating
Good luck!
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Re: disappearing feet!

Postby GoBucks on Sun Jan 31, 2021 9:37 am

Make sure you've added the the Nvidia patch.

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Re: disappearing feet!

Postby Colin Jones 2021 on Tue Feb 02, 2021 1:57 pm

Nvidia patch reinstalled in case I didn't already have it. Career mode seems to work properly, touch wood. Played a few career mode holes with a computer golfer yesterday with none of the previous problems. Still have the problem of 2 versions of myself playing in the LSPN event I tried today (Highlands Classic - Pro). "Players in the Game" only showed one player, but 2 of me appeared on the player list once I started the game. Strangely one played from a back tee and the other from a forward tee. Have since started the 2nd round, firstly removing myself from the game, then reselecting myself. That seems to have stopped the duplicate player. Will continue this method and see how it goes.

19th Feb - still getting the duplicate player problem playing in LSPN events although not all the time. Deselecting then reselecting doesn't work every time. The duplicate player seems to get added to the player list after I've played the first shot of the round. Played the first 2 rounds at Valhalla today and the problem arose on the 1st round but not the 2nd round, although I deselected and reselected myself both rounds.
Colin Jones 2021
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Re: disappearing feet!

Postby colinjones0 on Sun Jan 23, 2022 7:32 am

OK, it's been a while since I posted anything new on the subject of duplicate players. Have started a few LSPN events the last few weeks but every time have found 2 players playing, my normal LSPN self and either another of my created players or a duplicate of my LSPN player (Colin Jones 2021). The other player doesn't show on the player list until after I have played my first shot. Hence I have withdrawn from a few events lately rather than compete twice.

So here's what I THINK happens, having just successfully completed 4 rounds in the current event at Silver Canyon. When I log into the Links Tour, it has always after having played a round in career mode first. It's as if my career player remains active somehow and Links regurgitates me from memory, adding me to the LSPN event with no indication until I start playing. The four LSPN rounds I have just played I started each without playing a career round first.

Keeping my fingers crossed that this has identified the problem.
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