Win 10 reinstall - Geforce 1060 Issues - Need Help

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Win 10 reinstall - Geforce 1060 Issues - Need Help

Postby AJMatthews on Tue Apr 02, 2019 7:32 am

Links Techie Gurus I need your help!

Thanks to a power outage during a Windows Update I had to reformat my HD and hence reinstall Links. I made no other changes to a system that was running Links perfectly before the reformat. I've reinstalled many times before with no issues but this particular time I'm having graphics issues. I can only open Links in Windowed Mode. While in Windowed Mode I can maximize and play no problem. BUT, if I forget to switch back to Windowed mode before I exit the game I can't get back in the next time I try to launch - it crashes to the taskbar and won't open. I figure it has to due with my Nvidia settings, but I've tinkered with them for hours along with the executable Compatability settings to no avail. The above mentioned setup is the best I can do.

Any suggestions on how to get it to open full screen and stay that way every time I launch?

I have a 27" monitor running at default 2560 x 1440, Geforce GTX 1060 3gb card - Nvidia 419.67 driver, running links at 1280 x 768 32bit.

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Re: Win 10 reinstall - Geforce 1060 Issues - Need Help

Postby Mississippi on Tue Apr 02, 2019 4:49 pm

Here is a link to a thread that address's onboard and NVidia graphics for windows 10. Not sure if it will help you or not I'm a Radeon guy myself so i have no clue. ... d80bcf247c
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Re: Win 10 reinstall - Geforce 1060 Issues - Need Help

Postby AJMatthews on Tue Apr 02, 2019 7:24 pm

Thanks Mississippi. I had already looked at that, but I don't have onboard video on my mobo.
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Re: Win 10 reinstall - Geforce 1060 Issues - Need Help

Postby Mississippi on Tue Apr 02, 2019 8:22 pm

AJMatthews wrote:Thanks Mississippi. I had already looked at that, but I don't have onboard video on my mobo.

:lol: I'm sorry AJ, I thought it was about onboard AND NVidia cards :oops: ( i didn't read it )

Like my old buddy terrell used to say...maybe a reinstall of that reinstall might be the quickest fix. Otherwise somewhere in that Geforce control panel something got changed or needs to be changed.

Edit: Next time a power failure occurs during an update, i would look at system restore before starting over. Just saying :wink: .
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Re: Win 10 reinstall - Geforce 1060 Issues - Need Help

Postby AJMatthews on Tue Apr 02, 2019 11:06 pm

Thanks man. I've deleted and reinstalled Links 3 times over the weekend so a simple reinstall isn't fixing it.

You're right it is something in the Nvidia settings or the compatability settings, I just can't figure it out.

System Restore was not an option on my SSD; Samsung software had disabled it for some reason. Believe me, if I could have avoided a hard drive format I would have.

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Re: Win 10 reinstall - Geforce 1060 Issues - Need Help

Postby Armand on Thu Apr 04, 2019 5:10 pm

1. How did you install the game?
(a) By double-clicking install.exe (or whatever it's called).
(b) By right-clicking on install.exe (or whatever it's called) and choosing "Run as adminstrator"

2. Have you installed the v1.07 mod? Assuming yes, what method did you use - either (a) or (b) from above?

3. Have you installed the Win7/nVidia Final patch? Assuming yes, what method did you use - either (a) or (b) from above?

4. How do you run the game? Method (a) or (b) on the shortcut? (As an alternative to (b), you may have modified the shortcut to always run as administrator).

Possible solutions (these shouldn't be necessary if you have properly installed 2 and (especially) 3 from above):

Manually edit registry to force hardware mode
- Change HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Links 2003\DisplaySettings\Software to 0

Manually edit registry to force full screen mode
- Change HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Links 2003\DisplaySettings\Windowed to 0

Manually edit registry to force desired 1280x768 resolution
- Change HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Links 2003\DisplaySettings\Mode to 6
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Re: Win 10 reinstall - Geforce 1060 Issues - Need Help

Postby AJMatthews on Thu Apr 04, 2019 7:36 pm

Hey Armand,

I installed same as I always have:
1. b
2. b
3. b
4 .b modified to run as admin

If I edit the registry to force full screen (0) Links won't open--drops to taskbar, but if I force windowed (1) it opens fine. I can then maximize to full screen with no problem. If I exit while still in Full screen I can't reopen without editing registry to Windowed (or on occassion I can Task manager/rt-click bring to front to get Links to open).

This is really a mystery. I have reinstalled 3x now and reinstalled nvidia drivers 3x with no effect.

I've tried just about every variation of NVidia 3d settings and Links compatability settings and no combination that I've tried has permanently fixed the issue. I can get eventually get in and play but the fact it's not automatic has me frustrated and worried there's still something wrong. Because of my apprehension I haven't played a full round yet...

I appreciate the help!

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Re: Win 10 reinstall - Geforce 1060 Issues - Need Help

Postby Redskin on Sat Apr 06, 2019 4:43 pm

I don't know if you've done this or not but the only thing that I've noticed is that you didn't edit the videocard.txt and put your nvidia card in it. I don't know if you need it or not, but I think it would be worth a try.
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Re: Win 10 reinstall - Geforce 1060 Issues - Need Help

Postby Armand on Sun Apr 07, 2019 12:03 pm

Hi AJ,

Does the game actually crash on start-up, or is it just minimized to the taskbar? (I'm assuming the former.)

It seems strange that you can set full screen and (presumably) your preferred resolution that works on your monitor, but it doesn't seem to save when you exit the game. Just to confirm, when you say "maximize" Links, does that mean you maximize the window or does that mean you change the graphic settings to full screen (I'm guessing the latter)?

What is your monitor and its maximum resolution? I'm guessing you have already ensured that the resolution you set doesn't exceed that of your monitor, but you may want to try to set a lower resolution as yet another test - perhaps something like 1024x768 or even 800x600. After setting the windowed resolution to the lower value, apply it, then change to full screen at that same resolution. Then exit the game and see if it will restart in full screen mode at that lower resolution (1024x768).

Another thought, when you exit the game after setting full screen and resolution, what does the registry indicate? Does it save your settings? (In other words, what is the value of the Windowed and Mode keys?)
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Re: Win 10 reinstall - Geforce 1060 Issues - Need Help

Postby AJMatthews on Sun Apr 07, 2019 4:13 pm

Hi Armand,

It's minimized to taskbar. But, it won't open unless I Task Manager/Bring to front.

When I say maximize I mean full screen. If I maximize the Windowed mode version it takes most of the time but sometimes it crashes me back to taskbar.

Qnix QX2710LED, 2560x1440. I've tried other (lesser) resolutions with the same results. Using latest generic plug and play MS drivers. QNIX does not have "certified" drivers and I'm wary of messing with the uncertified ones out there.

The registry saves my settings and indicates full screen when I exit normally from full screen mode.

It's really a mystery. Occasionally I'll think I have it as it opens up full screen fine only to repeat the crash to desktop the next time I try to open.

I've pretty much given up as the workaround (Task Manager/Bring to Front), though annoying, has allowed me to play.

Thanks for all the ideas and effort!

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Re: Win 10 reinstall - Geforce 1060 Issues - Need Help

Postby Mississippi on Sun Apr 07, 2019 9:28 pm

AJ...I'm sure Armand realizes win 10 doesn't recognize 800 X 600 as an existing resolution and was just checking to see if you had tried lowering your native resolution. He IS the most knowledgeable person that i know of helping linksters with problems. I wish I had experience with NVidia to be of more assistance since it pains me to see outstanding players having computer problems. I will be paying attention to this thread until you have resolved your issues and i sincerely hope you tell us what the cure was once it is found.
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Re: Win 10 reinstall - Geforce 1060 Issues - Need Help

Postby AJMatthews on Mon Apr 08, 2019 6:39 am

Thanks Mississippi! I KNOW Armand is THE MAN when it comes to technical issues. I didn't mean to come across as throwing any shade at him in any way. I was just answering the questions he posed hoping my responses could help lead to a resolution. I really do appreciate all the help, support and suggestions you, he and others have suggested! This community is the best and has been nothing but welcoming, supportive and helpful and I'm proud to be a member!

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Re: Win 10 reinstall - Geforce 1060 Issues - Need Help

Postby Armand on Wed Apr 10, 2019 7:23 pm

Mississippi wrote:AJ...I'm sure Armand realizes win 10 doesn't recognize 800 X 600 as an existing resolution and was just checking to see if you had tried lowering your native resolution.

I never claim to know it all, as I've been proven wrong many times. Speaking of which, it's been 15 minutes so I'm probably due.... :?

Actually, I don't know about 800x600 resolutions and Win 10. Are you saying you can't set Links to run in an 800x600 window? (I don't have the game installed to check/confirm). I'm guessing you are saying that Win 10 doesn't recognized full screen 800x600 resolution - if so, then no, I didn't know that either!

The lower resolutions I was referring to in my post was the game resolution, not your monitor resolution - leave that at native 2560x1440. I thought Links would run at lower resolutions with grey/black bars on the sides on your monitor. What resolution do you prefer to run Links using?

If the registry changes are saved after the game exits, but the game doesn't consistently open properly, it certainly is strange.
If the game would open properly/consistently, then I would have suggested to create a script/batch file to set the registry settings before starting the game.
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Re: Win 10 reinstall - Geforce 1060 Issues - Need Help

Postby AJMatthews on Thu Apr 11, 2019 2:37 am

Hey Armand,

I run links at 1280x768 or 1280x800. I like the big swing meter while keeping a little bit of clarity.

Yes, I've tried other resolutions, including 800x600, with the same results. I've also tried all the different Nvidia scaling variations of keep aspect ratio/full screen/no scaling; also, with the same results.

Oddly without changing anything, I'm now able to open cleanly 50% of the time in full screen. The other 50% I have to use Task Manager/Bring to Front. I stopped messing with it and have accepted my fate.

Thanks for all your insight and efforts!

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Re: Win 10 reinstall - Geforce 1060 Issues - Need Help

Postby Tom Lehman on Fri Jan 17, 2020 9:34 pm

Hoping someone can help me out. I have a GeForce 1060 as well. I've searched through this forum and everywhere else online I could to try and find a solution to my in-game display issues. I just reinstalled Links after being away for many years, so I was pretty excited how quickly everything downloaded and got set up. That quickly changed when I went to take my first "rusty" swing. I'm convinced the issue has to do with the video card. I can't see my bottom tabs, nor can I see the hole information in the top left of the screen. My golfer, swing meter and top view map and a few other items are there. When I swing, my golfer and everything but the top view screen disappears and I can't see the ball in flight - audio is also fine. If I move the swing meter around and over my golfer, I can literally turn him to pixel dust.

I've followed the helpful advice within this forum and have download instructions as administrator and currently have everything in a unique directory. I've gone through every resolution setting hoping something would sync up but no luck. I made the registry change and have it set at 1920X1080 which looks fantastic, but I can't put a finger on what is flubbing up the display when it loads in. No issues with any of the menus leading up to load in. I've ensured my drivers are up to date but I couldn't find a way to confirm the game is optimized via my GPU's settings. I have downloaded the NVidia fix patch as well and added the device data in the video card txt.

After hours of research, several uninstalls and re-installs, I'm at the end of abilities to figure this out. Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm fired up to get back on the links!
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