Router problem

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Router problem

Postby mr.nick on Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:32 am

Hi can anyone help me on this...... since i got the rooter i can play direct connection and connect to someone else but i can not be the server. On this site i use to have no problem but now whit the router nobody can connect to me , and i can connect to anyone.
I no its the Ip but

Tks anyway.


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Re: Router problem

Postby Hittman on Thu Aug 18, 2011 1:39 pm

Have you verified your router "port forwarding" setup? Google How to set up port forwarding and there is a community link also. Google "Links 2003 port forwarding" and there's a lot of info regarding typical connection problems, and you may find your system being used with similar issues.
I have had this problem before and once the router ports were consistent with the game hosting issues were corrected.
It could also be your security system (firewall).
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