Join LSPN Tournaments!

Talk about and set up lobby matches here.

Moderators: DavidCass, Bruce Bo

Re: Join LSPN Tournaments!

Postby gibby on Thu Apr 16, 2015 10:40 am

Those are the free events, didn't you say you upgraded to Tour player?
Under the MY Account tab, what's your membership listed as?
Pretty sure as a paying member you shouldn't see the free events anymore.
But if needed send me a pm with your e-mail and I can send you the K-Cup course
Common sense and common courtesy two things this world needs more of.
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Location: Broomall PA

Re: Join LSPN Tournaments!

Postby Didi_Draxler on Thu Apr 16, 2015 11:07 am


Yes, my account is Tour player!!
But i see now.
I connected to LSPN with my old username "drxdidi"
I former use my real name Didi Draxler!
Didi Draxler: Free Tournaments
drxdidi: Tour Player Tournaments

Is there any way to change all things in my Account to my real name?

Posts: 23
Joined: Sun Apr 13, 2008 6:54 am


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