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the Millenium

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 1:46 am
by Larry_Warrilow
don't know how many members follow warren's continuing tour course add-on project, but the p2ps are now starting to show up on the tour course list. the millenium is indeed upon us. lw

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 4:58 am
by terrell
way too long coming, lw. it's about time we supported the guys with the quality of apcd courses we have today (i have several i've been itching to dust the cobwebs from). my only hope is we don't succumb to sites that peddle their memberships in return for courses.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 5:15 am
by Larry_Warrilow
T, the new harbourtown file situation is atypical, and that file is actually not a p2p. as you know, the p2ps are well worth the few bucks it takes to obtain them (the ms legacy files aren't much cheaper). the p2p guys have freely shared their textures and expertise with all apcd designers, and that's one of the reasons that the free apcd files are as sophisticated as they are at this time. and most apcd designers freely acknowledge their debt to the p2p designers.

that being said, the p2ps are going to start showing up in tour events at long last, and the players who haven't seen them before are going to be very entertained. lw


PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:00 am
by Freefaller
Larry/Terrel, do either of you know if it is indicated in the tourney info that these courses are P2P's. Just so I know which tourney's not to bother trying to enter or download courses for

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:30 am
by terrell
Freefaller wrote:Larry/Terrel, do either of you know if it is indicated in the tourney info that these courses are P2P's. Just so I know which tourney's not to bother trying to enter or download courses for

aaaccckkk! free', say it ain't so. if i were putting together a list of guys who would gladly support the apcd community, lw would be first, then the freefaller.

however, in retrospect, could it be just because p2p courses haven't been available here, so there's not been a compelling reason to purchase them? i've purchased several, and they were well worth the investment, but since i rarely play offline, they tend to gather dust.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:31 am
by Larry_Warrilow
free, my guess is that after clicking on the course file link for a tour event conducted on a course you don't have, and you get a p2p site, you yourself can opt out. but that's up to you. lw

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 6:51 am
by Westview
I enjoy playing here, but I'll be avoiding the P2P course tournaments. Not because I'm cheap or trying to get a free ride, but because it's only a fun pastime and not a "habit" as some APCD members claim(not mentioning any names Ian).

It's a fun game, but I can live without it.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:12 am
by terrell
Westview wrote:It's a fun game, but I can live without it.

just a game!? if it weren't for links, or you guys, i'd be thinking about stuff like marriage, or...egad, kids! long live links!

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:46 am
by Larry_Warrilow
as i have remarked before when commenting on p2p files vis a vis the tour, those who have no interest in p2ps can and will continue to play the tour with no problems. those who appreciate the p2ps, and have collected them as we collected the original LS files are now going to get to play them in tour competition.

this is not a zero sum situation. p2p events are not going to restrict players' access to most events because p2p files are a small proportion of all links files. every player will still have a choice of where they want to play. those who don't want to collect p2ps for whatever reason have nothing to fear.

on the other hand, those who appreciate the advanced artistry of the p2p files will now be able to play them in competition. how could there be any complaints? lw


PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 7:55 am
by terrell
Larry_Warrilow wrote:how could there be any complaints? lw

bahahahahahaha!!! good one, larry. rhetorical irony usually isn't your style. (8

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:20 am
by CoolHandAndy
er...not a complaint...just a voice....there are a few courses on the list , that, when i created my event, werent available to me...
ie Spirits Hollow , South Shore, Northwood.... are a few ive noticed...

Will they be added at another date?...(and just havent been approved yet?) Or been vetoed?

Just wonderin'

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 8:33 am
by Larry_Warrilow
andy, there is a sticky thread above called "new courses added" in which warren posts his new course file additions every day. i'm a satisfied customer because he has already added every one of the courses on my original "secret" wish list plus a bunch more. the tour players are going to be seeing some venues they have rarely seen before. lw

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:17 am
by CoolHandAndy
Thanx Larr...

Just realized all courses added, were done before feb 5th (i think the last one was Riviera)...this is why they dont show up in my filter...hehe...I just assumed (oops) they would be in the filter when you create an event....guess they just havent got to them yet....?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 9:59 am
by Larry_Warrilow
andy, you are correct, it seems that only the files added up til 5 feb actually appear on the tour course file list. warren may need to be advised. lw

PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 10:22 am
by KCJammer
This is exciting and long overdue news. More choices is a good thing.
With the clubhouses on the horizon and v1.0 looming, things are definitely looking up!